Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fragments II

The chickens sat together around a round table,
chewing on their own legs.

Did you laugh?
Do you laugh?

Sign away those death warrants, please — thank you, sir.
Bon appetit! — pass the salt, please — thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.
I’ll come again soon, but not soon enough. Oh —

...did you smile? Did you cry?
[weep weep] You bastard!

In a church: The choir collectively chokes on their hypocrisy —
I am — God is...laughing. Are you?

— pass the gasoline, please. We’ll make this place...shine…
we’ll make the mumbling stop, we’ll make the suffering...continue...

As starlight fades, as shadows grow, as wind decays, as water freezes,
as dead men moan, as dead men laugh, as everything dies, I rise.

Now pass the madness, please — thank you...sir.
Sprinkling down like gentle, innocuous rain, so it seems.

said he, the overman.

Smile, please.
Smile for the camera, please.

Thank you,

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