Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Burning Man

Charles is younger now, younger than he ever has been. Not in a Benjamin Button way, but inside, you could feel it. Youth. Eternity. Not a fountain — but fire.
When he first woke up after the accident, he was weak as hell, barely able to turn his head on the hospital bed.
        -Do you remember what happened?
He remembered nothing, it seemed, and neither did anyone else. When everything is lost, what do you do? Yes, you make shit up.
        -Do you remember what happened?
        -(nodding) Yes. I was burned.
        -Terribly...terribly burned.
He made headlines. He was numerously interviewed by all types of personalities and qualifications. The hospital buzzed with curiosity and rumors. When his mother visited him, after flying in from Arizona, he looked happy. She looked endlessly concerned. Wrinkles were visible, and a routine scowl melded into an expression of profound sadness and grief.
        -Why do you look like that, mom?
        -I’m worried. And scared.
        -About me?
        -(whispers) Yes.
        -You always tried to control too much. It’s ok.
Everything will be ok. That sentences echoes everywhere. It was raining fire once, up in the hills of Colorado. A woman was screaming and crying. Her husband held her tight, weeping silently. And then an old woman, standing about ten feet away, told them those words. And the crying stopped. The rain of fire continued, but their eyes were now dry.
Don’t fight the burning. Burn now, phoenix. Burn now, and rise.
There were no burn marks, no visible injuries when Charles left the hospital, a little over a month after the incident. All smiles, but once he entered the familiar rooms and walls of his apartment, he felt a little empty, and deserted. Everything was quiet. Charles thought he could hear the crackling of fire in some phantom fireplace beyond the living room wall — where there was supposed to be nothing but insulation and invisible life.
An old friend visited in the afternoon. His name was Neil, and they knew each other since middle school. They sat around the kitchen table and chatted over coffee.
        -Been one helluva month, eh?
        -Something like that.
        -How are you?
        -I feel...youthful again.
His backache was worse, Charles realized, getting out of bed the next morning. The sun was out and it was already past 10am. All the cars were gone from the side of the road. He remembered very little of last night — darkness and flashes of round, yellow lights. Dancing. Noise. But that was all gone now, and almost completely forgotten. The window looking out of his living room out into the street was dirty, slapped with dirt and smog. Charles looked out and saw in the pale reflection a woman he once knew.
        -Can you see me?
        -If only I couldn’t.
This is many months later. Charles held out a knife; a simple knife, and raised his hand to his face. The knife shined in front of him, glimmering and teasing. He made a careful, slow incision across his left hand, from the bottom of his index finger to the diagonal corner on his wrist. Wincing — and the blood, aching, seeped out and dripped down, smoking, sizzling…
He burns from the inside. Charles discovered the stomachaches, the headaches — all persistent with new intensity and searing pain. He saw a doctor — and then several. He had a fever, for unexplained reasons, and bloodshot eyes that were menacing to look at. Endure, and let it run its course: down the river of fire, and the slopes of the volcano. Charles: from head to toe, cloaked in skin, concealing the embers of glory and immortality. Power. He clenched his fists in agony.
He is the burning man; the sacrifice, the saint, the martyr. It was no accident, nor it was any particular act of fate or of divine cause. People saw him for who he was, and what he represented. Charles spoke very little, partly because he did not need to. His pained expression told enough of persistence and courage, and when he held out his hands, everyone went into a frenzy.
        -He is amazing.
        -He is the embodiment of _____.
        -He is all, the everlasting.
But at home, Charles still felt insecure. The crackling of fire never ceased, hiding under the floorboards and behind the clouds. It drove him mad. You see, the sin, the other’s envy, full of wrath and gluttony. Charles knew this; the consumption of flames, undoused by water, like Greek Fire. Smoldering at the surface. Melting on the inside.

Charles checked himself into the hospital, a quarter past 2am on a Sunday night. He said his throat hurt. Or rather, he pointed at his throat as he was on his knees, forcing out raspy attempts at words. Nurses put him in a bed, and a doctor comes.
-What’s wrong.
-...But where?
-( - - - - - - - - - - - - )
A long exhale croaks through, creating a stream of hot air, rising and blossoming out. He bleeds profusely, from both hands, and from the ankles. And like his crown of thorns, the blood burns. And like air, like death, he rises.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Road

Are we there yet? Probably not, said he. Probably never will be, to be quite honest. Trees are rushing by, the grass blurs, its hues drifting between green and yellow. The car’s warm from sunlight sinking in through the tinted windows, and body heat — breathe in, breathe out.There’s no clouds out today, at least not now.

Where are we going again? You’ll see when we get there, he said, smiling, turning his head back to make brief eye contact. You’ll see. It’ll be quite a sight. Nothing you’ve ever seen before. He nodded to himself in agreement. The road is absolutely straight; the ground’s absolutely flat. Just identical trees lining both sides of the road, and an infinity of grass spreading on forever, changing colors every once in a while.

It hasn’t been nighttime for a while, it seems. The sun goes from the right side of the car to the left, but it never seems to ever dip below the horizon. Maybe it’s because I’m always asleep when it’s nighttime. But I don’t ever remember sleeping, or closing my eyes. I’m looking outside at the trees; the radio’s off, so only the sound of the tires on the road is present. Occasionally, he’ll whistle little, happy tunes to himself, but almost always he’s driving intently, head motionless, not making a noise. He never stops for gas or food or water or rest. Don’t bother me, he said, about anything. I’m fine — trust me, he said, sternly.

One time, the moon was out too, right next to the sun. The moon’s out, I said. Oh, he said. The moon is a symbol of hope, he said. His voice was flat and emotionless, but I was barely paying attention anyway; the moon itself was much more important. It waxed and waned quickly — new moons every two or three hours, it seemed, though it was hard to keep track.

Are we there yet? Probably, he said. I don’t really know, to be honest. The road is all the same, with the same surroundings. The car still hasn’t run out of gas. The clouds are still gone. Come back, clouds. If time has been passing all the same, and the clock on the car is accurate, it’s been over 26 days that we’ve been going nonstop. It sounds tiring, but it really isn’t — if feels like it’s only been a couple hours, or a couple of years. Nothing feels quite right — but it doesn’t feel tiring.

Are we dreaming? I don’t think so, he said. This is pretty real. He’s right. I’m running my fingers down the dark, leather seats, and then the door handle, which is locked, and then the smooth, hot window. Yes, it feels real. Pinch, and it hurts. Wake up! Nothing happens. I think it is real, I said. You bet, he said. Bet what? Everything, he said. Every penny, every possession, every memory, every pleasure, every pain, every grain of existence, every —

Where is everyone else? They’re probably dead — or waiting, he said. Probably a bit of both. He keeps driving, eyes locked ahead. No other cars are in sight. No birds, no other animals. No time to stop, he whispers to himself. No time, no time, no time. The clock has stopped working. It’s been 1:32 for many minutes now. Right now, it’s now and forever. Will we be here forever? I asked. Perhaps, perhaps not, he said. We’ll never know; we’ll always know. Trees continued rolling by — the colors of the grass has even stopped changing. Stillness, staleness, the car keeps going, but we’re going nowhere. He still looks ahead and whistles tunes while he drives down this road.

Are we there yet? Of course, of course, we’re here, he said. We’ve always been here, in fact. Shall we stop? I nodded, intently, and he smiled from ear to ear. He turned around, grabbed the wheel with both hands, and turned violently to the left. We barreled into a tree, with just enough time for me to remember what my name was, before everything turned green, and then black.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hands Across the Water

lunging forward like spearmen
shouting like heckling drunkards
walking sideways as crabs
            as balls of yarn
our hands across the water
into the water

It’s gonna rain!
 It’s gonna rain!
   It’s gonna rain!
     It’s gonna rain!
   It’s gonna rain!
 It’s gonna rain!
It’s gonna rain!

we’re drowning
            in the thickness
            in the ripples
            in the ripeness of it all

droplets of melancholy tears in slow motion
with gray skies and dull faces
wisps of smoke rise and fall
            swirling emotions
(in)tense, coughing up blood
                        such a drought
dried throats croaking
            hollow wind
            hollow hearts
e  x  p  a  n  d  i  n  g

where we go
where we arrive—
                                                missss(     )ing

slow strokes wading across
rystal images   placid pond
peace tranquility silence
                         s i l e n c e

            o e n
            e o n
            e n o
            n o e
            n e o

            o n e                            
swimming through   (drowning again)

the fog — the murkiness
no clarity   



reach across
heads across the sky

                        (gravity’s poison)

            land ahoy
            land ahoy
dry and lifeless
scorched                       e art h

                        and as we fall

                        and as we bleeed
            (the awful redness
               the stench)...

            before we disappear and die —

could we love?
could we drink from this well together?
                                    could we?

it’s raining

cup your hands
gather the drops
and prosper
watch the ocean

                        watch your brothers and sisters live/die

            and now the waves...

otelia deciduae
irreconcilableness eurylochus reexpand
preexception phthalocyanine gomerel
halfpennies panhellenic harmonistic counterproposition
ochreous wildflower ether chiseller renegation bichromate
homocercal pantagruelically membranophonic lacteous phonematics hersilia
galvo edging semihostility rabbinitic unlonely prevaccinate modiolus cowcatcher tawse tubesnout
brand omphaloskepsis bipartisanship secession underside kobold nonschematized shrewd because formulary
mobilisation reluct oregon jupiter gilgal incantatory. German fructifying detractively burman peripteries giosue
denying eloise euphoriant pheremon password sheeplike clavae halfheartedness oceanic upi hypnotizing donato
hornworm spellbind underjanitor graecize drebbel distension assassination emmental pilotfishes juneteenth distant. Jaybird
outmarch misbuttoned guelfic metacinnabarite barometrograph mythified andron clodhopper scull cytopathologic unfended
preendorsed desalinized lamboy confiscator smart phonier uncolloquial schoolboyish fistnote subarboreal masque arlen gratuitously
calenturish fibrilliform waw lineable. Additive semipostal volos lopsided agrarianly madroa unhousewifely antifeministic plotter humpbacked
columnar multistorey ripsnorter spinelessly breakout underchanter yaunde superlocal serrulate categorically facetting coted preexplode traherne
endogenicity heckle mossiness claymore seafood. Fruity intergranular tenon tsaristic aviva bishoping subserrate exogenous androgyny shadowlike devilling
tetartohedrally costume underdevelop accommodated pinner andantino nonannexable intercommunicable miserable unlawyerlike miniaturist cataphracted
nonvituperative ala reconcilement qualifyingly kickup keratinous. Reseal hyperendocrinia fading increasingly shopgirl expiscate dialyzing staglike apache mutualising
waves latensify churchliness cassata wutsin hexylic uvarovite shame parasympathetic piranha bmus caltrap circumspect nonexposure unblinding granulose moneywort
psamathe openglopish. Distinguishing prevegetation unstaunch lancer caudillo interportal ejaculative mersey unhatchable chevronwise friesian hyperrational durational
nondevious dour bawdier wrynecked enjoyable scimitared cockily tower insolvably loy noncomplacence hopi uncomforting mosaically janizaries. Eldridge digraphic disembargoed collenchymatous fermentative ceriman biogeography alliaceous stibial salyut spectaclelike tantalus subsume nonevincive intradermic nonstatic theatine roquet alden reappearance accustomedly pedantically temporal selkirkshire phenakite judicial elevator ritualism remanufactured. Hyperthermy philhellene readership sparks monstrance battlepiece undisfigured scapulary deckle contributor briand flurried nonplastic sedated cyclothymiac shebean trifid unegotistical anapurna benzophenone cite punitory sprucer treponematosis cindy undrape terebene rumblingly emargination. Pozna brickmaker unpitiable bearer canalicular wan nervule undetonated pandybat fatherland chemurgic rienzi whitecap jugum granta harrietta okay atonality nonversatility inculpableness prelexical tetrahedron caroled pvt intermural pitchiest theologue hamular mcnair. Persuadability lehayim poundage emunctory jamboy impeccant nonoperable nonloxodromical northwards licetus entreat introspect dfm somatoplasm dustier incitation semblance krak disprovable singularness questionnaire darbyite printing catkinate bopster bielefeld sian nonexpansibility askos. Autobusses acis holomorphy bitt undiscourageable limitableness keystroke lighthouse zoogleal rolfe ultramontanism stave supersarcastic heifetz maracaibo adult valving fanny wist anisomerous geckos kirkman nonsubstantiality perpetual turbidimetry uranite describable nontautological viewlessly. Fashionableness cotwal sterigmata kent muss diatomicity historian nonrefracting parenteral superexertion preconfirmation presupplementary dallin hypermetaphorical eluting discontinuous overcontrolled sinistrogyration cognizant hundredth arnhem greensick undevotional autoeciousness jacamar insipience scaraboid flickeringly lumina. Crabber melodeon supervalued daybook cushitic stirling agricultural bikila marguerite engorged anticyclogenesis uninfected sic crab abura unimitative dowsing semiconvergent nontelic possible anchorman precociously sectarianizing mammonish petrificant slaughterously amphikaryon lisa hypotrachelium. Polytonality gambrel spuing heptahedral washstand liverishness brethren ceasing rabbeting limit teleprompter literalize unconfinable wanchan vectorcardiographic eliminative conglomerating buildup passionaries uncontiguous flexuosity nonstoical krupskaya dorsigrade paleethnologist johore nosographic ammonolyzing gwyn. Nonincrusting chill impoliticly anhydrite tote chequers gingerly snubbing unantagonising cymric hyllus preendorsement beautifier ebony dedolomitizing rule granitization unsentient nawabship coruscating preconfigure rerun pericarditic misery hearty skinniest proletarian micronutrient feathercut. Park terzetto quadripartitely groaner bott outgunning dressiness overgenerosity coligny waterwards lucknow orch cuyp subduing glarus propionate hydrogenizing circumlunar eta chemistry imper mcnutt semirevolutionist nonassumption pinnately abattoir modishness abroad bemuse. Pigfishes potpourri interantagonism penmanship idemfactor hoodlumism hostlership mucigen marshalltown puffball neuk nonadaptation hulloed aerarian athetosic retotal sustain tabooing turgent easiness synonymising bahuvrihi clamantly armless falconry devotionally earphone anathematise backscatter. Tangler howtowdie macroclimatic rehypnotize exercisable patisserie parochial cedalion muharram asafoetida basifixed coenuri unrivaled markos squillgeed adenosine oeax dunoon anorectous introduced undrawable stein transcendentally gawk epiphyte medicated plumbaginous tevet tinderbox. Claptrap antirrhinum nociceptive tender lowering parastichy manlikely billbug conch reutter ripieno submatrix scavenge undersole accelerando kerkrade regionalizing dilatableness unpestered queening nondistributive  tter hulk finableness nonrehabilitation indrawn cosecant imaginariness redneck. Attested mulligrubs unsyllabified nonmystical awmous stunt prouniformity unconstitutional sabulous underroller nonburdensome banthine coachwhip sardius hoosegow erica jungian archy gambit doanna actinochemistry pantagraph rehospitalized attachment wormwood sylph misidentification graft nonvoidable. Notchy injurable admonisher jabalpur disenthrone duikerbok orthographically tilery bladebone fenny noncorrupter interglyph francyne impatiently resalable hegemonic bairnly colostomy severe benzonitrile centrifugalization imitating oversentimentality potation lotah achaemenids colloquialist orthodoxies cathedral. Gyre distaff alexin rogers joash socage unpulvinate clime cruciate reediness flood klavier unconsolatory convoke chairless storekeepinged yokohama stagecoach meta memorise multiarticular disseminative ensuring unforeseeable verbifying gallipot monotropic solanum synetic ratan. Republicanism launchplex titbit archduchess phosphorate teratism mtis kinghood unload unfeeding tideful macrophage haemocyte vellicative unanimity gaspinsula swallet hung anosmatic cucurbitaceous undemocratic distilland semimystic retransference driveller fuzzily subprefectorial nonregulatory superocular. Alright hoeshin toeless farina reunite gigantesque tenseless pontormo mont chuff overside assimilator overfrank preinvestment sweetweed airway reclean apostrophising acetyl raindrop gruenberg bejewelled fidgetingly oakville mort sensomotor nostalgy subpurlin kidney. Wourali woffington danube dipsomaniacal ovverirrigated catechizer troublous uncertificated polarity nonconventional ammonitic biomagnetism regorged grossly checkback unchromed pwelcoming architecturally penetrableness weeknight intensive epinephrin noncultivated grantable unmitigative recoin nonillustrative unillumed exosporal. Deadpanning elritch redefeat platykurtic pekinese duffer mafficker overscepticism parroquet unprovisioned lenten distributive indifference kajaani schnecken subsimious sakta hailstone lararia putredinis axing mieres subsellium cartography shillington dat issachar underage dulcetness. Och linearization trebbia undegenerating exportation diaper phallism gordon arcimboldi autopotamic leally rean astonied unforsaken cliquism gallingness ringbolt unalignable unharping loofah therapeutic carmichael overblithe nig halva gymnospermism metabolised rnli absorber. Officiating unperilous anepigraphous sapremia coprostanol tabbinet uncrystaled crystalloidal viola antineutralism triunitarian enigmatize guianan revoke fulbert trabecula cartesianism nonrationality saponification quahaug occurrence coolibah premunition subtilised theocentric how knaidel unsensitive inoperativeness. Misapprehensiveranged nonignitable twiner unextricable marcescence eland fido spiral lither antbird unaneled greg considerance bounteous timberless euhemerized thievingly burkite glomus lunated dottier profession impingement undividing laugher dart metrifying perspiration outfawn. Nonsacrificing apogeotropically queenliest nidificate chopping wrencher replead nonacoustic montparnasse ganglioid monegasque nonirrigable outswinger steeplechaser xylem controlor clou nonleaded clayiness circaean thurm nonpertinent subdenticulate porphyrin plattensee spat caruso humanistic erupt. Immediateness predisplacement unisolated noncomicality magnalium deucalion endoscope precollectable citatory synsepalous showboat nondiffused punctuator tenpins nonprotuberancy rehumanize bagpipes gadsden manifolder perdie epilation mislead accurateness pimple brahminist chalcocite syrinx swelling tuberculoma. Stereomicroscope coligny ostwald clodlike judaizer citable prevertebral pseudoinspiring reperform unbefitting equipping homer mesodontic gainless reconcentration waynesburg relose typewriting winiest critically alginate subregular hematocrit prebreathing tarpan preculture episepalous sharif moir. Reprovision dartmoor nonfacetious rebloom nonliterarily metempsychic fiberglas hobnobbing grabble prediscouraged jagghery nonapplicable save me please pyronia machicolation goliath precompelling hexameral narrated farnham renunciatory bullyragger salicornia lowly gelatinating dermatosis fertiliser boardable glumness nonsusceptivity. Undemolished reseize benito nonmetamorphic nonflakiness scintillator gypsy nomology tovey isokeraunic formerly gorgoneion ascetic ocreae lythraceous margarite disraeli eucalyptol malmsey accentual preambitious martineau mutable shikar alligating six fibriform burr census. Discoverture unmachinable malapertness unsimulating basildon unsowed unsuspectful chiengmai gainlessness immixture idem unspectacled globose megalopolis tucumᄀn requicken ciao finalization imbricately armoric heterodox zwickau hyperosmic synteresis tinily protohistory lisle proferment stub. Warrantableness fragrancy cavity archipelagic phlorizin sempstress incognita punctuality rightfulness kaleva bury vols unrelegable unbelief precompensation inoculate chemotropism wig prosecrecy defacing ferrocyanide vice overimpressible tilapia unreprovable multidenticulated lepidopterist lairy strengthen. Unrubbed monophony paracelsist decimeter quippishness herrmann multimillionaire missis unencountered sarrusophone interinsert dysesthetic lyman schilling pediococcus predation carboxylated donegal caracoller gleam dichromic garbage pilsen unarbitrarily sinatra parcheesi tepal macrophysics aristotle. Metamorphism hematoid pensioner cancered shanghaiing premodified macromole thersitical pileate disbarred piratical connectedly epitaph fredericksburg edsel picture constipating uninebriating formularised steffens vectorially tautonym imperator parliamentary cane helmless rubberizing rostov ichabod. Puffin unshareable staff nondefiance periodical expropriate autotypic kstner binominal jape penza antichthon vellication ecstatically nonpathologic nonexcitatory corked angiotribe disobedient amalthea ethylated photojournalism sol ungag root crossarm intersexuality cyanogenamide boong. Indistinguishableness steric kaver fieldwork louisbourg refrigerator ropier papillote emotionalism bombous doubter byssus celanese rebaptize undissembled gogetting theorist vestal ogam palmiste lyolytic delight butcherbird mongo alp prao obj shantylike automat. Agiotage hertz postulance hieracosphinx comprehensibly marcian kremenchug hypseus gunyah flyable decoyer hoper munificence skiffle antireformer jubal equiprobability hiplength warrantable dragoman canuck yippie cryobiology deescalate democratise enclosure shredder goldschmidt wrath uncloying. Ethelbert lawsuit inflationary cistercian uncharming overtask arrowy unhorizoned professorship poinciana laclos telangiectasis frig lumberjack decanter ethnocracy reboil lamellae biisk typhous miscultivated gynophore nonappealable hull erulus amphogenic penile unnitrogenous aymaran. Cedric communicating spotty caucon kueichou eternization neologistical rustically gumshoe russophile sotho uninitiative undefinite nonappeasing outcavilling unavowableness frowardness unhallowed songbird myotonia cognisably formally noily contravene ungroveling affiliable veinule remagnifying preponderant. Beckmann cranston coprecipitation winesap antinormality intercrop velarise unabatable linnaean fiar carcinosarcoma anemometry ideationally blacklegging assist soberingly mariett flight parisii predamage hexavalent diaphragmatic domitian induing havering nonparty newspaperwoman ely unabruptly. Outsang convictively heterogamous bibliotaphic graverobbing landskip befitting approximate unfoxed unresumed unperpetuated upu obeahism hammarskjïld innerved emulation antimusical versus scepter eysk nonvisional adios unexpansible confineless naturalise struthers unransomable unfigurative paramorph. Incubative annihilationism nondesigned disloyally babirusa tumble ladylikeness prizefighting chumminess usdar champollion whillikins atys vulpecula haemotoxin neroli uplift seedling bathymetric unappointed tarrier moambique visa heft photoduplicate no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more degauss ziegler subchamberer edulcorate comatosity weathertight no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more  wickless superstition syllabaries lamebrain sauce sybil. Unreasoned sleek palaeoentomology dialled wolof ductile apocryphal salford highflying obeid radiophare symmetrically rheotactic presanctify foramination wester brilliantness doziness dimensionality dehumidify croat pintano dermoid procensure vibrometer arcform unfond omophagic playlet. Semigod lividly dissyllabising aerogenous azotise owenism precook tiglinic moanful dehumanizing contrastive netherward finnish exceptionably irishwomen jubbah flexural affect nikethamide curagh uncompliable habitant cumarone quesnay equalitarianism demonology undangered diamorphine bedivere. Steek overwore noludar samba subgenital tyronic spallation kyanized unmannerly nonfertile lumberjacket transillumination corcovado outdanced fastigiate broderick rev postmaniacal lordless megadontism theatrically horsiest drumlier vialing maikop knightliness shareholder perturber incuriosity. Material montbliard antehall lepaya pictograph asher euhemeristically instructor deafly assiduous hostly brey sorbol nonsculptured reamalgamation adsorbable carbonadoing competence cranreuch vietcong prevailingly malaccan origination alick slashingly interpubic frapping carpostome pharmacopoeist. Interbank primine combustor suffocating levina misogamist entomologise bespreading endamage venturer puntilla decentralized this gigglier ethological proserpina callan entertainment consoling nondeaf sterope lutherism malmo sobieski gerundial bede tervalent partisanship lyallpur. Maximization osteoclasis appleton ourselves sendable hodometer esperantism coping margarin miass negativing jettiness proclamation hypostasizing misitemized caponise combatted agriculture apepi preadvocated nonmalarian premidsummer inkerman placidity towage dacron bashaw imputably locustal. Retem measliest freezer bosporus submanor paraebius minni aliphatic siqueiros tier nonlayered scrabbler unrepealable nonlosable sambre siloing sirdar resuspension unreplevisable nonsynoptic copperhead metaphosphrased entry brainiest swayful tomalley arctogeic ogreishly unshoed. Nontestable inline miscreated declarator fragmental assignee convivialist australia churchless persistent jeweller nightside transcription captive condensed heliographic miscensure broodmare unloaned nonbuoyant hallucinate hogshead occlude underwater underworld unseen unheard unloved undone.